At AutoUncle we believe that employees are happiest when they feel valued and heard. And we want to do more than only listen. Our goal is to understand each employee - their skills, performance, motivations, and sentiments - and capture feedback to improve everyone’s experience.

We strive for a culture where feedback goes beyond 1:1’s and meeting times, a true feedback culture is reflected when employees are comfortable and encouraged to provide feedback at any time. Here are some of the actions we take to reflect our values.

Check-ins: the Emotional Status Report

Our mental state impacts everything we do, so we begin each meeting with a simple check-in. How are you feeling at this moment?

Answering this question acknowledges that we all come to work as whole human beings. When we meet, we welcome all of our human emotions, whether they arise from something at work or elsewhere.

The goal with each check-in is to foster understanding and help make each meeting as productive as possible. It is not a goal to explain why we feel a particular way — the value comes from cultivating openness, trust, and an ability to stay in the moment.


I feel good, present, and engaged. I am optimistic, calm, and thinking clearly. I am eager to collaborate, full of creative energy, and open to new ideas.


I have something distracting me. Perhaps I’m feeling tense, impatient, or defensive. In this state I may need some extra support to perform well.


I am actively unwell. Maybe I am sick or in pain, fearful or stressed or angry. In this state, I am unable to perform creatively or think clearly.

One-to-one (1:1) Connections

Recurring one-to-one meetings are an important part of our culture. They provide a powerful opportunity to share feedback, reset priorities, provide context, review roadblocks, and offer coaching.

At AutoUncle, everyone has a regular 1:1 with their manager. If not working remotely, we often go for a walk or sit at a nearby cafe to change the environment and spark inspiration.

These are “the employee’s meeting,” where you get to discuss what’s important to you and reflect on what has happened since the last meeting.

The key to a successful 1:1 is preparation. We always come prepared with an agenda, making sure to follow up on previous action plans and summarize each 1:1 for the following session.


CultureAmp is a leading employee feedback and analytics platform that helps companies build a better workplace by understanding and acting on employee feedback. Here's an overview of CultureAmp and its benefits:

Overview of Culture Amp: