Leading humans is hard enough in its own. Leading people remotely only makes it so much harder and requires a higher level of intentionality in how you shape work and show up as a leader.

On this page we highlight a set of tools and best practices to help you be effective in your remote leadership.

1) Don’t just rely on video - organise time in-person

As habitual humans, we can sometimes get a bit used to the virtual routines. Despite all the benefits that comes with remote working setups, there are some things that are just so much easier make happen in-person.

As a leader, you need to be considerate about when you spend in-person time with your team and other colleagues. A straightforward way to make this happen is to visit an office/colleague yourself. Another option is to organise an in-person meetup.

In-person meetups

Scheduling in-person meetups can be an effective way to foster team belonging, tackle knotty problems and get creative.

Here’s some questions to get you started, if you are planning a meetup for your team/department:

2) Practice asynchronous work

When remote teams struggle with “zoom fatigue” its often a symptom that some of the team’s work needs to move outside of meetings. At AutoUncle we encourage all leaders to experiment with the following tools to cultivate energetic work experiences and effective collaboration: